Trying to load a directory of hundreds of images into separate movie clips using the AS3 Loader class. By assigning an Event.COMPLETE listener to the Loader, the callback function only has a reference to the Loader and not to the image that’s being loaded or the parent that it’s being loaded into. So if I need to Tween on this image after the load is completed, no dice. Instead, assign an Event.ENTER_FRAME to the parent MovieClip and dig a byte comparison out of the contentLoaderInfo object…
for each ( var imgPath in imgXML.elements () ) { var imgLoader:Loader = new Loader (); imgClip.addChild ( imgLoader ); imgClip.addEventListener ( Event.ENTER_FRAME, imgLoading ); imgLoader.load ( new URLRequest ( imgPath ) ); }
function imgLoading ( e:Event ):void { var bL:Number = ( 0 ).contentLoaderInfo.bytesLoaded; var bT:Number = ( 0 ).contentLoaderInfo.bytesTotal; if ( bT == bL ) { ( Event.ENTER_FRAME, imgLoading ); // etc. } }