Git -Xours -Xtheirs arguments

Git provides a helpful argument to prefer one branch or the other to “clobber” merge conflicts:

git merge main -Xours
git merge main -Xtheirs

I always get confused what the “X” means. I always assume “X” means mark which branch to clobber. Like “X” out their branch. Or “X” out our branch. Please wipe this mnemonic from your brain!

“X” means “PREFER”

“PREFER” the changes in their branch (-Xtheirs) or “PREFER” the changes in our branch (-Xours).



Deferred Promise

Found myself in a situation where I wanted to execute a process and then check back on it later to be sure it had completed.

class MyClass {
  constructor() {
    this.readyPromise = new Promise(
      resolve => (this.readyResolve = resolve)

  async executeProcesses() {
    await // ...executing processes...

  ready() { return this.readyPromise }
Continue reading “Deferred Promise”