Colored Console Output

const out = {

  end: '\x1b[0m',

  // Modifiers.
  blink: '\x1b[5m',
  bright: '\x1b[1m',
  dim: '\x1b[2m',
  hidden: '\x1b[8m',
  reverse: '\x1b[7m',
  underscore: '\x1b[4m',

  // Foreground Colors.
  black: '\x1b[30m',
  blue: '\x1b[34m',
  cyan: '\x1b[36m',
  green: '\x1b[32m',
  magenta: '\x1b[35m',
  red: '\x1b[31m',
  yellow: '\x1b[33m',
  white: '\x1b[37m',

  // Background Colors.
  bgBlack: '\x1b[40m',
  bgBlue: '\x1b[44m',
  bgCyan: '\x1b[46m',
  bgGreen: '\x1b[42m',
  bgMagenta: '\x1b[45m',
  bgRed: '\x1b[41m',
  bgYellow: '\x1b[43m',
  bgWhite: '\x1b[47m',


console.log(, 'Something went wrong:', err, out.end);

Remove jQuery Plugin Instances

Here’s how to remove all instances of all plugins from an element if the plugin does not include a destroy method:


This will not remove the bound events. You have to do that separately.
If the plugin you’re trying to remove has namespaced events, you’re in luck:

// Remove namespaced events added using .on()
// Remove namespaced events added using .bind()

If not, you can examine all of the events attached to an element:

	'$element events:', 
	$._data($element.get(0), 'events')

Here’s all wrapped up in a handy function:

var destroyCrappyPlugin = function($elem, eventNamespace) {
	var isInstantiated 	= !! $.data($elem.get(0));

	if (isInstantiated) {
		$elem.unbind('.' + eventNamespace);

Find if a Child Element Has Focus

var hasFocus = !! ($elem.find(':focus').length > 0);

Detecting child focus with focusout jQuery event, setTimeout is required to wait for next element in the DOM to receive focus:

$focusElem.on('focusout', function() {
	var $elem = $(this);
	setTimeout(function() {
		var hasFocus = !! ($elem.find(':focus').length > 0);
		if (! hasFocus) {
			// Handle blur here.
	}, 10);

Text to Links

Replace any ‘http://’ text URLs with clickable hyperlink that open in a new window:

function textToHyperlinks( $string ) {
	return preg_replace(
		'<a href="$1" target="_blank">$1</a>',

Stack Overflow